
Napisz w zeszycie tekst od 50 do 120 słów zawierający informacje z trzech zagadnień, tekst ten powinien mieć formę maila do kolegi/koleżanki. Podpisz się swoim imieniem:
• Describe what you have learnt about Christmas from watching television or films.
• What sort of food do people eat at Christmas time?
• Explain what you know about Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Odpowiedź :


   I have learned a lot of things about Christmas. When i was watching TV i learned that it's the best time to spend with family.

   People oftenly eat fish at Christmas time. In some countries they eat dumplings with meat.

    Santa Claus gives gifts to people that were good this year. Santa Claus has a naught list. In the naughty list there are children that are naughty. To naughty kids he gives them coal.