
lapan. What paster. -h ride 7 Think Which is your favourite amusement park? Write about: name - place - opening hours - special attractions - tickets. Present the amusement park to the class.

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My favourite amusement park is Energylandia. I visited it only twice during the summer holidays but they were the most memorable moments of my vacation. Its located in Zator in Lesser Poland just below Kraków and it's the largest amusement park in the country. Its open from 10 AM to 6 PM so visitors have a lot of time to visit all of the attractions. For example the iconic roller coaster ride Hyperion, which is said to be 77 meters long and can reach up to 140 kilometers per hour. The other really popular roller coaster is Zdrada, which beat the Guinnes World Record for the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world. My personal favourite ride is called Magic Night. Riding it at dawn made me see all the attractions lit up from the highest point, which was a really picturesque view. What's suprising is that all of those spectacular attractions are available for just 159 zł, which is surprisingly low considering that its the biggest and most well knows amusement park in all of Poland.
