
Potrzebuję tego zadania jak najszybciej się da​

Potrzebuję Tego Zadania Jak Najszybciej Się Da class=

Odpowiedź :


2. She asked me why I had been in a hurry.

3. He asked her IF she wanted a lift to work the next day.

4. He asked her what time she had arranged to meet Clare.

5. She asked me how long Jane had been working there.

6. She asked them who had left the door open.

7. The reporter asked the bystander IF he actually had seen the man fall.

8. The workman asked his helper IF he would give him a hand lifting the piano.

9. She asked the mechanic IF he could check the brakes.

10. He asked me IF they had finished renovating their house.

11. She asked me IF Mary was still having a party next Saturday.

12. The teacher asked him where his father worked.

13. She asked IF they would be hiring new stuff for the summer.

14. He asked me which of their sons I liked most.

15. Jean asked her where she would be going that weekend.


Reported questions to nic innego jak cofanie czasów wraz z zachowaniem szyku zdania twierdzącego z cytowanego pytania :)

Jeśli pytanie zaczyna się od operatora lub inwersji, wstawiamy słowo IF lub WHETHER.

Pamiętajmy o zamianie słów :

this >> that

tomorrow >> the next day

here >> there