
Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów wybierz te które są poprawne. Trzy wyrazy są dodatkowe i nie pasuja . A- SO , B- ALTHOUGH , C-HOWEVER , D -LEARN, E- TEACH , F -AS. TEKST We are all different from each other, but we sometimes cannot accept people whit different views. The question is: why?It rarely disturbs us that we wear different clothes , have different styles or eat different food.............. it often happens that if someone has a different opinion on a given subject, we cannon accept it . The problem seems to be very abstrac..........everyone has the right to have their own views, but people love to be right and cannot accept that someone else's opinion can be better. The only thing necessary to accept other points of view is to understand that different opinions may ............ us a lot .Moreover , thay can broaden our knowledge.If we learn to be grateful for criticism , we will surely become better people. ​

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