Proszę zrobić 10 zadanie. Zadanie 10 opiera się na 9 zadaniu proszę jak najszybciej muszę zrobić to do jutra daje dużo punktów oraz jak nalepsza ocene. Z góry dziękuję.

I'm good, thanks. I'm sorry you're not allowed to go to the festival, that sucks! If I were you, I'd talk to them calmly. You know, I'd tell them that me and my friends are mature enough to go there by ourselfs. You could lie that there is a consulor, but I don't really reccomend that. Or, you could tell her that you'll call her each hour to make sure you're ok, I guess. Anyway, there are some good news: I have 2 tickets to that horror movie you wanted to go yesterday! My dad bought them for us. And yeah, don't stress out - I'm sure your mom will change her mind, just wait.
- xyz