
1. W każdym z przykładów wpisz TEN SAM WYRAZ w lukę Y i X tak, aby poprawnie uzupełniał obydwa
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. 10pkt
a) Y: Mark is a selfish person. He doesn’t _______________ his things with anybody.
X: Nowadays people _______________ a lot of photos and posts on social media.

b) Y: I need special cosmetics because my skin is very _______________.
X: As a _______________ person I burst into tears easily.
c) Y: My name is Alexander but you can _______________ me Alex.
X: I’m busy right now. I’ll _______________ you back when I finish my work.

d) Y: I won’t _______________ the same mistake this time.
X: Not many teenagers _______________ their bed in the morning.
e) Y: We need to change something. We can’t _______________ on living like this.
X: Many teengers _______________ online instead of meeting their friends in real life.
f) Y: I think you should _______________ a chance and study in the UK.
X: We will _______________ a lot of pictures when we finally get there.
g) Y: My grandpa used to _______________ stamps when he was a child.
X: Dad, please remember to _______________ me after school.
h) Y: My sisters _______________ me crazy when they borrow my clothes.
X: You are allowed to _______________ a car if you are 18.
i) Y: You have to _______________ attention at the lectures.
X: Remember to _______________ the bills before we get cut off.
j) Y: A very famous scientist is going to _______________ a lecture this evening.
X: Hurry up! I need to _______________ this package by noon.

Odpowiedź :

a. share - udostępniać

b. sensitive - wrażliwy

c. call - dzwonić

d. make - robić, popełniać

e. go - iść

f. take - brać, robić (np. zdjęcia)

g. collect - zbierać, odbierać

h. drive - prowadzić (drive somebody crazy - doprowadzać kogoś do szaleństwa)

i. pay - płacić (pay attention - zwracać uwagę)

j. have - mieć