
11 a) Wpisz czasowniki z nawiasów w czasie past simple. Lucky Lindy History remembers Charles Lindbergh as the courageous man who 1) made (make) the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. Born in Detroit, USA on February 2nd 1902, Lindbergh always 2) .............. (have) an interest in flying and 3) ......... (decide) to become a pilot. In 1919, a hotel owner 4) (offer) a prize to the first pilot to cross the Atlantic. Over the next few years, many pilots 5) ........... (try) and 6) (fail). In 1927, Lindbergh 7) ............. (build) a special plane and 8) (name) it the Spirit of St. Louis. Later that same year, after a journey of more than 3,000 miles and 33 and a half hours, Lindbergh 9) ............ ..... (land) safely in Paris. Lindbergh 10) ...... (change) the way people thought about flying forever! ...​

Odpowiedź :


1 made

2 had

3 decided

4 offered

5 tried

6 failed

7 built

8 named

9 landed

10 changed


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