
Proszę o zrobienie tych zadań.

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Odpowiedź :

zamaluj na zielono kazde slowo Lucky z duzej litery oraz slowo Lucy

na zolto zamaluj wypowiedz Lucy zaczynajaca sie od I'am crying becouse , az do slowa she sobbed.

na fioletowo zamaluj ostatni akapit od slowa I would love too.

na pomaranczowo zamaluj one sunny day of march

1 pyt.

Lucky was not happy because his did not have any gold, he had never found a rainbow, his shoes were old and dirty. He never found four leaf clovers and he did'nt have any friends.

2 pyt.

Yes, she had full pot of gold, new shoes and four leaf clover.

3 pyt.

She did cry because she didn't have anyone to share with.