
2 Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. armchait barbecue cooker lawnmower tumble dryer wardrobe Mover. We're ready to move your furniture into the house. The first item is this (1) Dan: Yes that goes in the utility room, which is at the back Mover. OK And where would you like us to put this (2) ? Dan: I'd like you to put it in the living room, which is over there Mover. Great And what about this (3) 2 Dan: You can put that on the patio, behind the house. We love cooking burgers outside Mover. And the (4) ? I know it goes in the kitchen, but where is that? Dan: It's at the back of the house as well Mover. OK A couple more things ... the (5) 2 Dan: Yes, that goes in my bedroom. I'm looking forward to having something to put my clothes in finally. And the last thing? Mover. The (6) Dan: Oh, yes. That goes in the shed, which is at the very back of the garden.​