Jestdovrze79go Jestdovrze79go Język angielski Rozwiązane 4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami. Zakreśl: A, B lub C. 1. ____ we got up on Sunday morning, dad had already made breakfast. A) After B) By the time C) By 2. When I started watching the film, I realised that I ____ it at the cinema before with my friend, A) had seen B) have seen C) saw 3. Alice had ____ celebrated 4th July before she moved to New York. A) yet B) never C) ever 4. By last week, nearly 30 students ____ the swimming club. A) join B) had joined C) joined 5. When we finally arrived at the tennis match, the second set had already ____. A) began B) begin C) begun 6. I had never eaten octopus before we ____ to South Asia. A) had travelled B) travel C) travelled