
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie czy praca nie zawiera błędów ortograficznych oraz czy jest poprawna gramatycznie, ewentualnie zastąpienie niektórych wyrazów. Daje naj:)
Hey, James,
You asked me for advice in preparing a surprise birthday party. I recently attended a similar event myself. It was my classmate's 16th birthday.
The surprise was that we ordered his favorite fast food from a Kentucky fried chicken restaurant. We ordered a bucket full of fries and chicken. Of course we paid for the order and delivery. After we all finished eating, we presented him with a gift. It was the newest jersey of the best player of his favorite football club, Real Madrid, which he supports for 3 years.
In my opinion, the party went well and was prepared almost perfectly. My friend was happy and said 'such friends are a treasure'. We spent the whole party in a great atmosphere. The party lasted until late. Everyone was happy and everyone had a great time.
. The only downside was that the food we ordered arrived cold. To avoid this, prepare the food yourself just before your sister arrives. This way you will also show that you are very involved in the preparation of the party. If you still need my help or advice, write. I will try to write back as soon as possible.
See you
Your best friend

Odpowiedź :

Dobry tekst, ale we wzrocie "Hey James," przecinek po pierwszym słowie jest niepotrzebny :)

Jeszcze kilka małych poprawek w zdaniach:

"Of course we paid for the order and the delivery."

After we all finished eating, we presented him ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶  a gift. (bez 'with');

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