
dialog gdzie chcesz pojechac na wakacje, opisz ciekawe miejsca jakie sie tam znajduja po angielsku


Odpowiedź :



B-Hello! why did you want to meet

A-I wanted to arrange our vacation

B-well then I wanted to propose greece or spain

A-I would like to see something what are the attractions in Greece?

B-in greece there are old athens have beautiful views and it's nice to walk around them, there are also convincing rhodes where the sun shines 300 days a year

A- what's in spain?

B-there is a good-sounding island of wine and, lloret de mar, the capital of entertainment, lots of parties and bars speak for themselves and finally the mountain range with beautiful views of the sunset

A-Greece appeals to me more, I don't like hiking in the mountains

B-I think so too, I think that holidays are just to relax, not to party

A-then we are set to see you in greece!

B-See you soon