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Dear ....
I just got back from an amazing holiday ...

Odpowiedź :


Dear Tom

I just got back from an amaizing holiday...It was the best trip I have ever had!

1) I was in small village where my grandparents live. At first I wasn't sure to go there, because I thought that I will be so bored there, but my mom said that I have to go, so I didn't have a choice!

2) It was a big suprise for me when I found out how cool the village can be! For whole days I was walking on different patch in the wild and I saw a lot of amaizing animals like hares, birds, butterflys and even deer! What's more I was swimming in the local lake with people who I met there. It was so cool, because in the city I can swim only in the swimming pool. Also I and my friends watched sunsets and stars every evenings, it was beautifull experience.

3)  But the best part of this holiday was spending time with my grandparents. We talked a lot, and I took so many photos with them. I understood how important they are for me and I have to take care of them every next summer!


mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)