
Proszę o pomoc . Do każdego zdania utwórz Jedno zdanie przeczące i dwa pytające .

Proszę O Pomoc Do Każdego Zdania Utwórz Jedno Zdanie Przeczące I Dwa Pytające class=

Odpowiedź :

3) Mr. and Mrs. Smith hadn't vistited their close friend last month. (-)

Who has Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited last month? (?)

Has Mr. and Mrs. Smith visited their friends last month? (?)

4) It hasn't snown a lot last winter. (-)

Has it snown a lot last winter? (?)

When has it snown a lot? (?)

5) I haven't slept three hours last night. (-)

Have I slept three hours lat night? (?)

When have i slept for three hours? (?)

6) We haven't decorated the dining room for Christmas Eve. (-)

Have we decorated the dining room for Christmas Eve? (?)

Why have we decorated the dining room? (?)

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