
Wraz z kolegami i koleżankami wyjechałeś na trzytygodniowy obóz. Napisz do swoich rodziców list, w którym: – opiszesz swoje pierwsze wrażenia związane z pobytem w nowym miejscu, – opiszesz swój pokój i okolice, – prosisz rodziców o dosłanie ci brakujących​

Odpowiedź :

Dear parents,

At the beginning of my letter I would like to inform you that I have arrived happily and I feel great. As soon as we arrived we were accommodated in triple and quadruple rooms. Some people shuddered at the sight of the mess that was there and some representatives of the animate world crawling on the floor or coming out occasionally on the walls. I, however, managed, being hardened by living in my own room. So I was able to unpack my things instead of chasing the animals running away. Besides, we have beds and one desk in the room. It's a small room.

The surroundings are beautiful, we have a view of a lake and a forest and on the left we see fields and hay bales.  

Maybe at first you suspected that since I am writing I need something. I must commend you here for your foresight. I do indeed need some money. If you could send me about one or one and a half thousand PLN, that would be very kind. If you think that it is too much, I will also be happy if I get 950. Hugs and kisses  


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