• Change the verbs to Past Simple and fill in the missing words.
pls na jutro

1. bring - brought
4. forget - forgot
6. know - knew
9. send - sent
11. stand - stood
12. read - read
15. make - made
17. draw - drew
22. spend - spent
23. catch - caught
25. fly - flew
27. are - were
28. drive - drove
1. break - broke
2. think - thought
3. go - went
5. take - took
7. choose - chose
8. hold - held
10. find - found
11. swim - swam
12. ride - rode
13. drink - drank
14. do - did
18. write - wrote
19. lose - lost
20. steal - stole
21. come - came
24. hear - heard
26. is - was