
Przeczytaj e-mail. Wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C, aby poprawnie uzupełnić luki (1-4). Odpowiedzi zapisz w zeszycie. < New message Hi Gina, I'm writing to let you know how busy I am. I (1)/2 to study a lot for the last few weeks. It's because of the final exams. Also, I was ill for three weeks last month and now I have to (2) up with the rest of the class. But nobody seems to understand. My parents have always been very ambitious and now I'm (5 to get very good marks, too. I can't wait to finish school. But Maggie, my oldest sister, says it's even worse afterwards. She is now a manager and she complains about 4) hours all the time. She says that school duties were super easy comparing to what she has to do now. Life is unfair, really! And how is your school work? Love, Beth

A. am having B. have C. have had
A.fall B.catch C. hand
a. expecting b. expect c. expected
a. working b.worked c.works​