
Translate the fragments in brackets into English.
You are allowed to use a maximum of six words.

I hope (skończą naprawiać) ......................................... our street by the time we get
back from our holiday.

X: What are we having for dinner?
Y: I don’t know. Mum will make dinner (kiedy przyjdzie do

Why (może pójdziemy do) .................................................. cinema on Saturday? I’ve heard that Gravity is really good.

I (mieszkałem w Londynie przez) ...................................................... two years with my parents. We came back to Poland last year.

I’ve seen Paris and Rome, but I (jeszcze nigdy nie byłem w).................................................... Bieszczady.

6. I finished preparing dinner while my mum (rozmawiała przez) .......................................... the phone. She can talk for hours!

Daję naj.

Odpowiedź :

1. they will finish repairing
2. when she comes home
3. maybe we'll go to
4. I have lived in London for
5. I've never been in
6. is talking on