
postanowiłeś zapisać się do klubu młodzieżowego na dodatkowe zajęcia Napisz wiadomość do obcojęzycznego kolegi
W wiadomości:
-napisz na jakie zajęcia zapisałeś się i wyjaśnij dlaczego
-wyjaśnij gdzie i kiedy odbywają się zajęcia
-zachęć kolegę do udziału w zajęciach PLS DAJE NAJ

Odpowiedź :


Hello Lucas!

I need to tell you about the class I just signed up for. It's an swimming lessons on a new swimming pool. They opened up last month and you know I was swimming for yeras until they closed the swimming pool on my distric. And I wanted to counite my lessons, so two weeks ago me and my mom went to this swimming pool and signed me up for lessons. I'm going to have these lessons one day every week. And yesterday I had my first lesson. It was really good! Coach and other kids were really really nice. I think you should sign up for swimming lessons too! I know you love swimming so why not? You finally will polish your swimming skills. I'm sure you will be one of the best and you will be winning every competition! And you will meet new amazing people, as I do.

See ya on holiday



nie obiecuje, że będzie szósteczka, ale powinno być w miarę dobrze