
1 Dopasuj typy filmów do opisów.

1 A film that makes you feel anxious and scared. -

2 A film about life on other planets and aliens. -

3 A film where two people fall in love and have many problems. -

4 A film that makes you laugh. -

5 A film with cowboys. -

a romantic drama

b comedy

c western

d science fiction

e horror film

2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery w zdaniach.

1 There’s a good h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l drama about Spain in 1478 on TV tonight. It’s a bit slow and
serious though.

2 I love the singing and dancing in this m _ _ _ _ _ l.

3 Inga loves c _ _ _ e films because she loves solving complicated mysteries.

4 My sister loves cartoons and happy endings so she likes watching a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d films.

5 The w _ r film made me cry when the soldier died in the end.

3 Uzupełnij tabelkę

Adjective - przymiotnik

Adverb – przysłówek











4 Uzupełnnij zdania właściwymi przysłówkami z zadania 3.

1 I was tired, so I went to bed ......................

2 ‘HELP! HELP!’ they shouted ........................

3 She ran .......................... to the bus stop because she didn’t want to miss the bus.

4 After our long walk with no food, we ate our sandwiches ....................... .

5 He is a really good footballer and he plays football very ................... .

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