
Zdania warunkowe (typ 1) - połącz (2)
Połącz części zdań aby utworzyć zdania warunkowe (typ 1).
If you're hungry...
the post office will be
If I arrive late...
she'll tell him the big
If she meets him...
you'll have to eat
If he goes on holiday...
he'll send you a postcard.
If Peter doesn't pass his
he won't go to university.
If it rains...
we'll phone you and do
If we don't go swimming...
we won't have a picnic.

Zdania Warunkowe Typ 1 Połącz 2 Połącz Części Zdań Aby Utworzyć Zdania Warunkowe Typ 1 If Youre Hungry The Post Office Will Be Closed If I Arrive Late Shell Tel class=

Odpowiedź :


If you're hungry you'll have to eat something.

If i arrived late the post office will be closed.

If she meets him she'll tell him the big news.

If he goes on holiday he will send you a postcard.

If Peter doesn't pass his exam he won't go to university.

If it rains we won't have a picnic.

If we don't go swimming we'll phone you and do something