
napisac wyprocowanie na wybrany temat po angielsku conajmniej 100 słow poziom 3 klasa technikum proszę na dzisiaj będę wdzięczny ​

Napisac Wyprocowanie Na Wybrany Temat Po Angielsku Conajmniej 100 Słow Poziom 3 Klasa Technikum Proszę Na Dzisiaj Będę Wdzięczny class=

Odpowiedź :


Today I'd like to introduce you to some cool and worth to visit restaurants in Krakow in Poland. In Krakow very popular place is something like market square in Krakow it's like a road between shops, restaurants, clubs etc. You can go to club and drink polish drinks named for example "Szarlotka". Its polish cake but not only, it's drink too, its maked of vodka, apple juice, ice and   a bit of cinnamon. If u do not like alcohol you can drink a lot of polish made tea - flavoured carbonated drinks. The most popular dish in Poland are dumplings. Polish people make them froum dough and inside they give mashed potatoes with cheese or cabbage. I hope you will visit Poland and taste all of this amazing things!

