
1. Oznacz zdania literami T (true - prawda), F (false - fałsz) lub NG (not given - nie podano). 6p
1 Alessandra believes that some types of food are bad for you.
2 Alessandra Peters was in hospital when she decided to change her eating habits.
3 When she started cooking her meals, she started to feel well again.
4 A big publishing company wanted to work with her.
5 All her recipes use salads and fruit.
6 Some food blogs only have chicken recipes.
The Foodie Teen
Food is an obsession on the Internet! Lots of people share photos of their meals. There are also hundreds of food blogs with recipes
for anything from vegan pizza to fried chicken. But not many of those 'foodie' bloggers are teenagers! When Alessandra Peters was
about fourteen, she was very ill. She was thin and she didn't have much energy, so she couldn't go to school. A doctor diagnosed her
with a lot of food allergies, so she decided to change her eating habits. Alessandra wanted to know exactly what was in her food, so
she stopped eating fast food and she learned to cook. Her health improved, and her friends and family liked her recipes, so she
started a blog called The Foodie Teen. In her blog, she shared her recipes and opinions about healthy eating, and it soon attracted
thousands of followers. Alessandra started to receive positive messages from other teenagers with food allergies. The messages
inspired her to continue with the blog.
She was happy that she could help other people with it. When Alessandra was seventeen, a
big publishing company contacted her and asked her to write a cookery book. She was very surprised, but the book was a big
success. The recipes in The Foodie Teen cookery book don't have any sugar, milk or gluten in them. But the difference between
Alessandra and lots of other food bloggers is that her recipes include burgers, cakes and chocolate – not just salads and fruit.
Alessandra knows that what you eat can affect your life, but she doesn't believe that any foods are 'good' or 'bad'. Everybody needs
a few treats now and then!​

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