
Jesteś angielskią studentką i przebywasz na wymianie szkolnej w Polsce . W e-mailu do swojej rodziny napisz (zad 6) help! I musi być nowo posane nie może być skopiowane

Pomocy Jesteś Angielskią Studentką I Przebywasz Na Wymianie Szkolnej W Polsce W Emailu Do Swojej Rodziny Napisz Zad 6 Help I Musi Być Nowo Posane Nie Może Być S class=

Odpowiedź :

Hi there!
As you know I am on a student exchange in Poland. I live in a capital - Warsaw (which is a huge city) with polish family. People there are very friendly and they help me a lot. The flat, where I live is huge. It is located on the last floor in the middle of the city. It has cosy and modern interior. Kitchen is connected with salon, where is glass wall with view on a city - it is beautiful expecially in the evening. What is more, I have my own room with bathroom.
Few days ago, my family took me on a short trip to Kopernik Science Center it was very exciting, when I could play with science. It is amazing how people are inteligent, maybe I also became w scientist in the future...
Best regards