

Napisz maila z podziękowaniem za prezent urodzinowy. Jako prezent otrzymałeś kartę podarunkową, za którą kupujesz sobie wymarzony prezent. Podziękuj za nią i napisz jaki prezent kupiłeś. Następnie opisz produkt który kupiłeś. Potem wyjaśnij, gdzie ten produkt kupiłeś i dlaczego tam. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.

Odpowiedź :


Hi Emma

First of all I would like to thank you for that gift card. I'm going to tell you where did i use this gift card, and how did I use it

So i used this gift card in two shops. First i used it in a bookshop called "Empik"  to buy my favourite book called "Hobbit". I bought it in "Empik" just because i found this book in the cheapest price. This book is absolutely amazing! It has around 400 hundred pages. Somehow I read this book in two days (I still don't how how did I do that). The second thing that i bought was a case for my phone, because as you might know, the last case was scratched by my cat. I bought it in shop called "Mediaexpert". I bought it there because i couldn't find the same case in cheaper price. It looks decent. It might look better, but you know, it's just a case

Again thank you so much for this present. By the way I heard that you also had birthday. Maybe you could write, what did you got. I would be pleased

Lots of love
