
I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Are there ………. pictures on the wall?
a. some b. any c. a

2. There are two ………. in the living-room.
a. sofas b. mirrors c. cookers

3. There is …… good restaurant near here.
a. some b. any c. a

4. Tom is my uncle. ………… surname is Baker.
a. Her b. His c. She

5. London is a big ……
a. country b. city c. house

6. My mother’s sister is my ……
a. aunt b. nephew c. uncle

7. „What does he look like?” – „He’s …….”
a. rude b. handsome c. kind

8. „What’s he like?” – He is ……”.
a. handsome b. good-looking c. bossy

9. „……. cat is it?” – „Lyn’s”
a. Whose b. Who c. What

10. „…….. is Lisa?” – She is Dave’s aunt.
a. Who b. Whose c. Where

11. Greg lives …….. a village.
a. on b. in c. at

12. Mike lives …… 332, Green Street.
a. at b. in front of c. under

13. „…… you live in Spain?”
a. Do b. Does c. Are

14. „…….. Kate work in a primary school?”
a. Do b. Does c. Is

15. Ben isn’t a very good student. He’s very ……
a. clever b. lazy c. old

II. Complete the dialogue.
A. Hello……………………………………………………………………………?
B. Yes. I want to rent a flat in this area.
A. Okay, let me see. There is a very nice flat for rent quite near the city centre.
B. ………………………………………………........................... rooms has it got?
A. It has got a living-room, dining-room, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms.
So that’s six rooms.
B. ………………………………………………………….........…………………?
A. It’s quite a good price – £300 per month.
B. That sounds perfect.…………………………………………….................……?
A. It’s 14, Oakfield View.
B. ………………….........……………………………….........……………….?
A. Yes, it’s O-A-K-F-I-E-L-D….. V-I-E-W.
B. Can I see it?
C. Of course. I can take you there right now