7 Read the text and decide if the statements are true or false. Put a cross (X) in the correct column
in the table.
Yasmin didn't like visiting her grandparents.
Yasmin heard the scary noises at night.
Yasmin saw an old man walking in the snow.
Two ghosts came to Yasmin's bedroom window.
Yasmin was outside the house when she saw the
The ghost was Yasmin's grandfather.
A Ghost Story
One winter, I stayed at my grandparents' house during the school holidays. I never liked going there.
I loved my grandparents, but hated the house. It was huge and very old and there were always a lot
of strange noises, especially at night.
One night, I was half asleep in bed, listening to the wind outside when suddenly there was a loud
banging at the window. I was so frightened I couldn't move. I shouted, 'Grandma! Grandpa!' but
they didn't hear me. There was another big bang at the window. I still didn't move. An hour later, at
about midnight, the same thing happened - Bang! Bang! Bang! on the glass. This time, I got up and
walked to the window. I quickly pulled back the curtain and saw... snow! There was nothing moving
but snowflakes, but then I saw some marks in the snow. I put my coat on and followed the marks.
Under the trees, there was an old man with long white hair. He was cutting wood. He turned and
looked at me, his eyes were like fire. I ran back home as quickly as I could.
The next day, I told my grandparents and they laughed and said, 'Oh, Yasmin, you just met your
great grandfather! He was a very unhappy man, who died in your bedroom.'