
Przetłumacz zdania lub części podane w nawiasach.

Przetłumacz czasowniki podane w nawiasach:
1. When our visitors arrived, my wife (robila) tea.
2. Water (gotuje się) at 100°C.
3. A greengrocer (sprzedaje) vegetables and fruits.
4. What radio programmes (słuchałeś) yesterday?
5. I rarely (czytam) detective stories.
6. I understood exactly what he (powiedział) me.
7. Next week the Government (postanowi) what to do about this problem.
8. Do not call tomorrow afternoon as I (będę pisać) an article.
9. Everybody knows that oil (pływa) on water.
10. Go out and get some fresh air! (Uczysz się) all the morning.
11. At what time of the year (pojechali) to New York?
12. At last you are here! I (czekam) for you for over an hour.
13. (Nie wierzę) everything he tells me.
14. When I got there all the guests already (poszli) home.
15. What (zrobią) when they leave school?
16. As I (wychodzę za mąż) soon, I already (kupiłam) my wedding dress.
17. I think that this wine (smakuje) sour.
18. Whom (spotkałaś) at the party last Saturday?
19. A: Your hands are dirty. B: Yes, (czyściłam) my shoes.
20. There is nothing new in what I just (powiedziałam).
21. (Zamierzam powiedzieć) her the whole truth.
22. What new places (odwiedziliście) this year?
23. Be quiet! We (próbujemy) to hear what the lecturer (mówi).
24. What type of exercises (lubisz) the best?
25. (Czy mam) write the letter right away?

Odpowiedź :


1. When our visitors arrived, my wife was making tea.

2. Water boils at 100°C.

3. A greengrocer sells vegetables and fruits.

4. What radio programmes were you listening to yesterday?

5. I rarely read detective stories.

6. I understood exactly what he told me.

7. Next week the Government will decide what to do about this problem.

8. Do not call tomorrow afternoon as I will be writing an article.

9. Everybody knows that oil floats on water.

10. Go out and get some fresh air! You have been studying all the morning.

11. At what time of the year did they go to New York?

12. At last you are here! I have been waiting for you for over an hour.

13. I don't believe everything he tells me.

14. When I got there all the guests had already gone home.

15. What will they do when they leave school?

16. As I am getting married soon, I have already bought my wedding dress.

17. I think that this wine tastes sour.

18. Whom did you meet at the party last Saturday?

19. A: Your hands are dirty. B: Yes, I have been polishing my shoes.

20. There is nothing new in what I have just said.

21. I'm going to tell her the whole truth.

22. What new places have you visited this year?

23. Be quiet! We are trying to hear what the lecturer is saying.

24. What type of exercises do you like the best?

25. Shall I write the letter right away?
