
Dopasuj wyrazy z A i B tworząc kolokacje oraz uzupełnij nimi zdania.
Then complete the sentences. Jeżeli to konieczne, zmień formę wpisywanych
wyrazów. Jedno słowo w tabeli A zostało podane dodatkowo.

A part-, find, gradua,l apply, enter, career
B decline, path, the job market, timer, one’s niche
My boss has asked me to come up with ways our team can increase our output.
1 It’s difficult to _____________________________ if you don’t have any qualifications.
2 There’s been a _____________________________ in the number of students going
abroad to study.
3 For a long time I didn’t know what to do but eventually I _______________________.
4 My sister is a _____________________________, she only works Monday to
5 Marketing is a _____________________________ that I have considered.