
Przeczytaj teksty na temat podróżowania (A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.

Do you find it difficult to get around when you are travelling? Here are a few tips that may help.

А. if you are uncertain about how to find your way around a foreign city or country, it may be helpful to use this type of transport. Just make sure you use an official one and don't forget to give the driver a small tip. (B). You can usually book your ticket in one of three ways: in advance online, at a machine or in person. You often have a choice of fares such as adult, child, standard or return. C. heck before buying to make sure that you have chosen the correct option. C. If you are old enough to already have your driving licence, you might choose this way to get around. You need to know the country's traffic regulations and must always wear a helmet. You have far greater independence with this option.

This tip is about:

1. travelling by train. __
2.using a motorbike. __
3. a means of transport which you drive yourself. __
4. getting a taxi. __​