
Write the sentences in the causative.

1 My locks were changed last week.

-I had my locks changed last week.

2 The vandalised wall was repainted for them

last weekend.

3 A burglar alarm is being fitted in our office.

4 A private detective will investigate the theft

for Mrs Adams.

5 Inspector Jeffries asked his assistant to

write the report.

Odpowiedź :



2. The vandalised wall was repainted for them last weekend.

They had the vandalised wall repainted last weekend.

3. A burglar alarm is being fitted in our office.

We are having a burglar alarm fitted in our office.

4. A private detective will investigate the theft for Mrs Adams.

Mrs Adams wiil have the theft investigated by a private detective.

5. Inspector Jeffries asked his assistant to write the report.

Inspector Jeffries had the report written by his assistant.

Causative have (have something done).

Konstrukcja gramatyczna informująca, że coś jest dla nas robione.  przez kogoś innego.

  • Schemat zdań:

have + podmiot + past participle (III forma czasownika) + reszta

Tej konstrukcji gramatycznej używamy w różnych czasach.