
Twój kolega zaprosił cię na wspólne oglądanie filmu w technologii 3D u siebie w domu. Zredaguj wiadomość dla rodziców, w której poinformujesz ich:

- dlaczego nie możesz pomóc w pracach domowych,

- dokąd wychodzisz i dlaczego,

- jak długo cię nie będzie.

musi być tak z 50-120 słów


Odpowiedź :

Dear Parents,

I hope that this note finds you well. I regret to inform you that unfortunately I will be unable to help you with the house chores this week. A friend of mine from school invited me over to his place and we are going to watch a new 3D movie together. Do not worry, the entire ordeal will not take longer than 3 hours and I should return home before the set curfew. Let me reiterate that I do not need your worries but I do need your money so I would appreciate it greatly if you were to leave me a little something for snacks and beverages before my departure.

With Best Regards,

Your Offspring