
Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in the box. There are two words you don’t need.

shoplift distract entertain encourage imagine wide view

1. I think the new show is really good _______________ for all the family.

2. There were so many _______________ during the exam that I couldn’t concentrate.

3. When the boy was accused of _______________ he insisted that he was innocent.

4. They are planning to _______________ our street to make room for bicycle lanes.

5. She was grateful for all the _______________ from her friends and neighbours when she ran for a seat in parliament.

Odpowiedź :

1. I think the new show is really good entertainment for all the family.

2. There were so many distractions during the exam that I couldn’t concentrate.

3. When the boy was accused of shoplifting he insisted that he was innocent.

4. They are planning to widen our street to make room for bicycle lanes.

5. She was grateful for all the encouragement from her friends and neighbours when she ran for a seat in parliament.

1. Myślę, że ten nowy program jest naprawdę dobrą rozrywką dla całej rodziny.

2. Podczas egzaminu było tyle rozpraszaczy, że nie mogłem się skupić.

3. Kiedy chłopak został oskarżony o kradzież w sklepie, upierał się, że jest niewinny.

4. Planują poszerzyć naszą ulicę, aby zrobić miejsce na ścieżki rowerowe.

5. Była wdzięczna za całe poparcie ze strony przyjaciół i sąsiadów, gdy ubiegała się o miejsce w parlamencie.



1. I think the new show is really good entertainment for all the family.

2. There were so many distractions during the exam that I couldn’t concentrate.

3. When the boy was accused of shoplifting he insisted that he was innocent.

4. They are planning to widen our street to make room for bicycle lanes.

5. She was grateful for all the encouragement from her friends and neighbours when she ran for a seat in parliament.

entertainment - rozrywka                             (rzeczownik)

encouragement - zachęta, wsparcie           (rzeczownik)

distractions  - rzeczy, które rozpraszają uwagę    (rzeczownik, l. mnoga)

shoplifting   - kradzież sklepowa                  (rzeczownik)

to widen  - poszerzać, rozszerzać                (czasownik)