
3 ** Find the synonyms of the phrases below in the dialogue. 1. But how should I handle it? 5. You didn't cause the problem. 2. I feel ashamed. 6. What's the matter? 3. What a bad situation! 7. You shouldn't feel ashamed. 4. That's a good idea. 8. I have a problem at school. 7​.

Odpowiedź :


Choć brakuje części twojego pytania, postaram się ci pomóc.

  1. But how should I handle it? - But how should I deal with it?
  2. You didn't cause the problem - You didn't cause the trouble
  3. I feel ashamed - I feel embarrassed
  4. What's the matter? - What's wrong?
  5. What a bad situation! - What a horrible situation!/What a disaster!
  6. You shouldn't feel ashamed - You shouldn't feel embarrassed
  7. That's a good idea - That's a great idea/That sounds great
  8. I have a problem at school - I have some trouble at school

Synonimy to takie wyrazy, które mają podobne znaczenie. Dzięki nim unikamy powtórzeń i poszerzamy zakres słownictwa. Przykłady:

  • handle = deal with - radzić sobie z czymś
  • problem = trouble - kłopoty
  • ashamed = embarrassed - zakłopotany, zawstydzony