
2. Have you ever worked on a project? If not, tell about a project you’ve heard of.

Who did you work with?

What went well? What was the biggest challenge?

What would do different next time?

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy odpowiedzieć na pytania na temat projektu, nad którym pracowaliśmy.

Last week, my English teacher asked me and my friend to prepare a presentation about Scotland. We had to prepare some slides and talk about the topic for about 10 minutes. I was supposed to gather information and my friend looked for some nice photos to go with the presentation. We were very well-prepared, and the work looked great, but when we started to present, we got so stressed, that we forgot everything. Next time, I would spend more time relaxing before the presentation. There was no need to feel so nervous!

Tłumaczenia pytań:

Have you ever worked on a project? If not, tell about a project you’ve heard of. - Czy kiedykolwiek pracowałeś nad projektem? Jeśli nie, opowiedz o projekcie, o którym słyszałeś.

Who did you work with? - Z kim pracowałeś?

What went well? What was the biggest challenge? - Co poszło dobrze? Co było największym wyzwaniem?

What would do different next time? - Co zrobiłbyś inaczej następnym razem?