
focus 1 str 80 zad 5 in your notebook write a description of about 80-130 words of a sports event you or your friend took part in use the writing focus to help you

write about:
what the event was
where and when it took place
what happened
how you (or the person) felt

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy napisać opis wydarzenia sportowego, w którym braliśmy udział.

Last week, my friend and I went to a football match of our favourite team. The event took place in our local football pitch. It's really big, so a lot of people fit in the audience.

The match was so exciting! A lot of fans showed up to support their favourite team. We painted our faces and bought special T-shirts with the team's logo. At the beginning, they were losing, but in the last ten minutes, they scored three goals and win. I have never been happier!

I hope to go to another match next week, and I'm already so excited!


match - mecz

team - drużyna

event - wydarzenie

pitch - boisko

audience - publiczność

exciting - ekscytujący

logo - logo

goal - gol

excited - podekscytowany