
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane WIELKIMI literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (13.1.-13.4.). Wymagana jest pelna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już podany. 1. I think I have the same we sharacteritor character as my father. TAKE I think I my father. 2. She hasn't got many cousins. FEW She only cousins. 3. I'm behind my uncle in this photo. FRONT The man me in this photo is my uncle. 4. There is no worse character in the world of stories than Darth Vader. THE Darth Vader is in the world of stories. 5. I think you should join the school drama club. YOU If , I would join the school drama club. 6. How long have you been learning to play the piano? START When learning to play the piano? 7. These girls are so beautiful. SUCH These are girls. 8. I have always passed all tests in maths. NEVER I have a test in maths yet. 9. We start school too early. I'm always sleepy in class. NOT If we didn't start school so early, I 10. I did my homework and then I wrote a post for my blog. HAD I wrote a post for my blog when I sleepy in class. my homework.​

Wykorzystując Wyrazy Podane WIELKIMI Literami Uzupełnij Każde Zdanie Z Luką Tak Aby Zachować Sens Zdania Wyjściowego 131134 Wymagana Jest Pelna Poprawność Ortog class=

Odpowiedź :

2. She only has a few cousins.

3. The man in front of me in ...

4. Darth Vader is the worst character in ...

5. If i were you, I would ...

6. When did you start learning ...

7. These are such beautiful girls.

8. I have never failed a test... (nerd alert)

9. If we didn't start school so early, I would not be sleepy ...

10. I wrote a post for my blog when i had finished my homework.

:) this was fun