
Pomoże mi ktoś zrobić te zadanie potrzebuje pilnie na dziś!!!! Zadanie 6

Pomoże Mi Ktoś Zrobić Te Zadanie Potrzebuje Pilnie Na Dziś Zadanie 6 class=

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: You are going to write an email(80-130 words) to a friend reat the task

ask how he/she is and refer to the last time you saw or hear from him/her

give a piece of news about friends

give a piece of news about school

ask what your friend has done recently

Hi Mike,

how are you? It was so nice to see you at the concert last week. We should do it again sometime!

I have so much to tell you! Do you remember Sue? Well,she`s just moved to Germany.Isn`t it exciting? Also my school is renovating the football pitch.It was in such a horrible condition.I can`t wait to play there once they fish.

And what have you been up to recently? Tell me all about it!



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Liczę na naj <3

Pozdrawiam Mateusz :)