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Bethan's blog

New entry: Sleep positions and personality

I've recently read an article about sleeper types and was
amazed at how they match the people in my family!

If you sleep on your side with your arms down, you are a Log. Apparently, Logs are sociable and 1........(TRUST) of people, which is a perfect description of ... my Dad!

If you sleep on your back with both arms on your side, you are a Soldier. This group of sleepers tend to be reserved. perfectionists. That's Mum- always worried about things being 2......(PERFECT). As a result, she's suffering from 3......(WORK)!

If you sleep in
a curled-up position, you are the Foetus. This type of sleeper is very sensitive, though may seem tough on the outside. So that would be my sister, who will only 4.......(BRIGHT) up when she gets to know people better.

The problem is... I am a Soldier when I fall asleep but a Log when I wake up. Who am I then????

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