
Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania. Jeden wyraz lub jedno
wyrażenie zostaty podane dodatkowo.

1 works / harder / she / a bit / more
2 play / a lot / very / they / better / now

3 slightly I speaks / than / fluently / he / more
4 arrived / more / today / earlier / we / a little
5 Joe / slowly / slower / drives / his father / than / more


Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń utóz zdania. Jeden wyraz lub jedno
wyrazenie zostaly podane dodatkowo.
1 lived / in this town / 2018 / My family / has / since / have
2 have / that cat / since / long / you / How / had / ?
3 has / She / knew / two months / known / Jake / for
4 has / lunchtime / rained / It / have / since
5 haven't / since / spoke / each other / They / spoken / last week / to

Uzupełnij zdania 13.1.-13.3. Wykorzystaj
wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych
wyrazow, trzeba natomiast - jeśli jest to konieczne - dodać inne wyrazy, tak
aby otrzymać zdanie logiczne I gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. Uwaga! W każdą lukę
możesz wpisac maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy juz podane.

13.1. In my opinion science fiction books are (interesting / than)______________historial novels.
13.2. I checked John's phone number twice before (I / phone)_____________him.

13.3. There (be / three / egg)_____________
the fridge. To make pancakes we need to buy milk and flour.

Odpowiedź :


zadanie 1

1. She works a bit harder

2.They play a lot better now

3.He slightly speaks more fluently

4.We arrived a little earlier today

5.Joe drives slower than his father

zadanie 2

1.My family have lived in this town since 2018

2.How long have you had that cat?

3.She has knew Jake for two months

4.It has rained since lunchtime

5.They haven't spoke to each other since last week

zadanie 3

13.1 in my opinion science fiction books are more interesting than historical novels

13.2 I checked John's phone number twice before I phoned him

13.3 There are three eggs in the fridge.