Potrzebuje na jutro angielski trzeba zamienić na stronę bierną od 6 do 20 ❤️❤️

6. OK
7. The books were taken to the library by Kate.
8. This message was written by Tom.
9. The show has already been seen by the students.
10. The game will be watched by all the teenagers.
11. Milk isn't drunk by cats.
12. New houses will be built here by them.
13. Mobile phones are used by people every day.
14. Tom wasn't invited by Ann to her party.
15. A present was sent by my mum.
16. The rooms were painted by us last week.
17. The money wasn't given to me by Tim.
18. A lot of books are read by me.
19. My car has been fixed by the mechanic.
20. A new museum won't be opened by the president.
Passive Voice to strona bierna.
osoba + czasownik 'to be' w odpowiedniej formie czasowej + czasownik w III formie (nieregularny) lub z końcówką -ED (regularny).