
Past Perfect Napisz realistyczne i pomysłowe wyjaśnienie sytuacji .
Np Wszedłem do klasy,ale nikogo nie poznałem .
Fakt Wszedłeś do niewłaściwej klasy.
Pomożecie ?? Proszę <3

Odpowiedź :

This class doesn’t look like my class. Everything is different, how could it change so much?? I was here yesterday. The shelves are pink instead of green and the windows are to low, the couldn’t lower the windows by couple of inches from yesterday. Or could they? I left my notebook on my desk yesterday, i come up to one of the desk that is my desk right? On the desk there is a card stuck on the des with a students name. Max!? That is not me, my name is Ollie i think i went to the wrong class.

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