
Plissss pomocy zadane w załączniku. Daje naj za pomoc

Plissss Pomocy Zadane W Załączniku Daje Naj Za Pomoc class=
Plissss Pomocy Zadane W Załączniku Daje Naj Za Pomoc class=

Odpowiedź :


1 There's a car for sale which isn't very expensive.

2 Here are the books which are part of the course.

3 Emma, whose parents are both doctors, is a friend of mine.

4 Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web, is a scientist

5 Mia, who is only three months old, is a baby.

6 That's the college, where my brother studies.

7 That's a teacher over there, whose name I can't remember.
