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W tym zadaniu musimy ułożyć zdania z podanych słów.
`1. The United Kingdom is the name of an independent country on the north-west coast of Europe.
2. The UK consists of four divisions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
3. Wales were officially united with England in the 16th century.
4. In 1707, the Acts of Union formally united Scotland and England to create Great Britain.
5. The total area of the United Kingdom is 244,820 square kilometres.
6. England occupies two-thirds of the area and is bordered with Scotland in the north and Wales in the west.
7. Ireland is an island located in the west of Great Britain.
8. The Republic of Ireland is a sovereign state.
9. Northern Ireland constitutes as a part of the United Kingdom.
10. A general election is held every five years in the United Kingdom.
11. The prime minister chooses his/her own Cabinet and holds executive power.
12. As for 2016, the United Kingdom is under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
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