Odpowiedź :
Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect
a) When she was (be) on her way to the station, it began (begin) to rain.
B) We have done (do) a lot of work since we came (come) to the office.
C) She had studied (study) for five years before she took (take) up this job.
D) How long have you been (be) in your present job?
e) Has Sally met (meet) Any interesting friends recently?
f) Before she saw (see) the accident, she had argued (argue) with her friend.
G) I can’t find my gloves. Have you seen (see) them?
h) I have rung (ring) you five times this week, but there was (be) no answer
i) We are late because we missed (miss) the bus.
J) Shakespeare wrote (write) a lot of play. Have you read (read) any?
k) We have written (write) two letters since we left (leave) the house.
L) He has put (put) on weight and all clothes are too tight for him.
M) What have (do) done with my typewriter? I can’t find it anywhere.
Present Perfect używamy do mówienia o zdarzeniach, które miały miejsce w przeszłości, a ich skutki mają wpływ na teraźniejszość.
Past Simple służy to mówienia o zdarzeniach, które miały miejsce w przeszłości i zostały zakończone.
By podkreślić, że któreś przeszłe zdarzenia miało miejsce wcześniej niż inne, używamy Past Perfect.