
Proszę o pomoc, szybko potrzebuje

Proszę O Pomoc Szybko Potrzebuje class=

Odpowiedź :

W podanym zadaniu musimy dopasować wyrazy w ramce do definicji.

1. A look on someone's face that show what their thoughts or feelings are expresses

2. When a movement or reaction is made suddenly or without control involuntary

3. Show a feeling on your face or by your behavior expression

4. Do something in front of an audience to entertain them perform

5. With a lot of emotion intense

6. Drops of liquid which fall from your eyes when you cry tears

7. Something you are able to do whenever you want on demand

8. A change which is produced in one person by another person effect


Effect- efekt

Express- okazać (uczucie)

Expression- wyraz twarzy, ekspresja

Intense- intensywny

Involuntary- odruchowy, nieumyślny

On demand- na żądanie

Perform- ddgrywać

Tears- łzy