
Wspólnie z rodzicami spędziłeś(-aś) tydzień wakacji pod namiotem. W e-mailu do
koleżanki z Anglii:

• wyraź swoją opinię o miejscu, w którym znajdowało się Wasze pole namiotowe
• napisz, co robiliście podczas wypoczynku
• opisz pogodę, która była podczas Waszego pobytu na polu namiotowym


Odpowiedź :

Hello Jane!
I am writing in a respond to your last email.
You asked me how I spent my summer so I want to describe it to you.

I experienced an adventure of my life cause I spent hall week on a camping sleeping with my parents in tent. Our tent was located in beautiful forest near lake. The atmosphere there was straight out of fantasy novel. I am sure you would love this place.

It was amazing experience. Each day we went on walks to collect wild berries and other forest fruits. Also we were going on a trips to swim in the lake. One time we even rent a canoe.

Unfortunately we had a bad weather. It was raining almost everyday but it was still hot outside. Happily water in a lake was warm hall time.

It was amazing trip and I am hoping that next time you will come on camping with me.


Perfekcyjne to to nie jest ale mam nadzieje, że wystarczy