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Odpowiedź :


Many parents like to reward their children for their hard work by giving them pocket money. Of course this is to encourage the children to work more, and it sets a goal for them, that they would like to achieve. There are unfortunately some negative effects to giving your children pocket money though, and I would like to prove it throughout this essay.

One one hand, giving your children pocket money is a good thing. It helps children feel encouraged to work, when they know that they will get rewarded for it. It changes the way they look at chores and responsibilities. of course, this is a good thing for both parents and children, as the children get to earn something, and parents get helped, whether its around the house, or outside of it.

On the other hand, there will always be a negative side to everything. when giving your children pocket money, you are risking getting them into a habit of only doing things when they get rewards for it. This can be a very bad thing when they grow up and live alone, because at that point, they will not be getting any pocket money for taking care of their responsibilities. Children need to be aware of the fact, that they have responsibilities that they must fulfil either way.

In my opinion, pocket money is a good thing, and parents should carry on giving it to their children, but I also agree that it can become bad for children, and they have to be cautious to not fall into the habit of only doing things for money.

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