- if I had taken your advice, I wouldn't have been in so much trouble now.
- if I have taken your advice, I wouldn't have avoided paying the fine.
- if my biology teacher hadn't encouraged me to take part in the competition, I wouldn't have known so much about endangered species in my country.
- if my biology teacher hadn't encouraged me to take part in the competition, I wouldn't have got my scholarship for the university.
- if I didn't speak English, I wouldn't be able to chat with people all over the world.
- if I didn't speak English, I wouldn't be able to get the job in London last summer.
- if electric cars were cheaper, more people would already switch to them.
- if electric cars were cheaper, would you buy one?
- if all governments assumed more eco-friendly attitudes, maybe some extinct species could* be saved.
- if all governments assumed more eco-friendly attitudes, there would be more laws protecting the environment.
- if the punishments were pollution were harsher, many factories would install better filters long time ago.
- if the punishments were pollution were harsher, many factories would think twice before releasing their waste into the rivers.
* - would i could mogą działać zamiennie w drugim trybie warunkowym.
W zdaniach 1-3 zastosowaliśmy Third Conditional, w zdaniach 4-6 Second Conditional.
Drugi okres warunkowy (ang. Second Conditional) służy, aby opisać sytuację w teraźniejszości bądź przyszłości, które mają małe szanse wydarzenia się bądź praktycznie nie mogą się wydarzyć. Możemy użyć go np. kiedy mówimy o naszych marzeniach.
Budowa zdania w Second Conditional:
- if + Past Simple __,__ would + bezokolicznik
Przykładowe zdania
- If I won a lot of money, I would buy a big house by the sea.
- If I were in Italy today, I would eat a lot of pizza.
Trzeciego okresu warunkowego (ang. Third Conditional) używamy, aby opisać wydarzenia z przeszłości, które nie miały żadnych szans wydarzenia się.
Budowa zdania w trzecim okresie warunkowym:
- if + past perfect __,__ would have + III forma (past participle)
Warto wiedzieć, że 'would have + III forma' to inaczej Future Perfect in the past.
Przykładowe zdania
- If I hadn't missed the bus, I wouldn't have been late for the job interview.
- If I hadn't bought this house, I wouldn't have met you.
Wyjaśnienia opracowane przez Shizuri © 05/22