
Na Angielski, potrzebuje z tym pomocy
Szkolna stolowka oferune nowe,udoskonalone posilki. Napisz ogloszenie do szkolnej gazetki,w ktorym:
* wyjasnisz dlaczego zmienilo sie menu
*opiszesz swoje ulubione dania podawane w szkolnej stolowce
* zachecisz uczniow aby sprobiwali nowych potraw,j uzasadnisz,dlaczego powinni ro zrobic

Z gory bardzo dziekuje <33

Odpowiedź :


Dear pupils

From now on, the school menu with meals will be different. Our school wants our meals to be more interesting. What are your favorite meals in our canteen? mine has always been a cucumber soup, as well as pork chops and potatoes. New meals in our school from the new week are - fries once a week, chicken soup, hunter's stew, pasta with cheese. I encourage you to try these meals. meals for a week in our school will be for free. there will be sweet gifts for eating meals.